Chaos control and synchronization of a new chaotic financial system with integer and fractional order
Volume 14, Issue 6, pp 372--389
Publication Date: April 25, 2021
Submission Date: November 17, 2020
Revision Date: January 03, 2021
Accteptance Date: March 18, 2021
P. Y. Dousseh
- Laboratoire de Mecanique des Fluides, de la Dynamique Nonlineaire et de la Modelisation des Systemes Biologiques (LMFDNMSB), Institut de Mathematiques et de Sciences Physiques, Porto-Novo, Benin.
C. Ainamon
- Laboratoire de Mecanique des Fluides, de la Dynamique Nonlineaire et de la Modelisation des Systemes Biologiques (LMFDNMSB), Institut de Mathematiques et de Sciences Physiques, Porto-Novo, Benin.
C. H. Miwadinou
- Laboratoire de Mecanique des Fluides, de la Dynamique Nonlineaire et de la Modelisation des Systemes Biologiques (LMFDNMSB), Institut de Mathematiques et de Sciences Physiques, Porto-Novo, Benin.
- Departement de Physique, ENS-Natitingou, Universite Nationale des Sciences, Technologies, Ingenierie et Mathematiques (UNSTIM), Abomey, Benin.
A. V. Monwanou
- Laboratoire de Mecanique des Fluides, de la Dynamique Nonlineaire et de la Modelisation des Systemes Biologiques (LMFDNMSB), Institut de Mathematiques et de Sciences Physiques, Porto-Novo, Benin.
J. B. Chabi-Orou
- Laboratoire de Mecanique des Fluides, de la Dynamique Nonlineaire et de la Modelisation des Systemes Biologiques (LMFDNMSB), Institut de Mathematiques et de Sciences Physiques, Porto-Novo, Benin.
Synchronization of chaotic dynamical systems with fractional order is receiving great attention in recent literature because of its applications in a variety of fields including optics, secure communications of analog and digital signals, and cryptographic systems. In this paper, chaos control of a new financial system, and chaos synchronization between two identical financial systems, and non-identical financial systems with integer and fractional order are investigated. Chaos control is based on a linear feedback controller for stabilizing chaos to unstable equilibrium. In addition, chaos synchronization, not only between two identical new chaotic financial systems, but also between the new financial system and an another financial system given in the literature is realized by using active control technique. The synchronization is done for integer and fractional order in each case. It is shown that chaotic behavior can be controlled easily to any unstable equilibrium point of the new financial system. Also, it is observed that synchronization is enhanced when the fractional order increases and approximates
to one. Numerical simulations are used to verify the proposed methods.
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ISRP Style
P. Y. Dousseh, C. Ainamon, C. H. Miwadinou, A. V. Monwanou, J. B. Chabi-Orou, Chaos control and synchronization of a new chaotic financial system with integer and fractional order, Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, 14 (2021), no. 6, 372--389
AMA Style
Dousseh P. Y., Ainamon C., Miwadinou C. H., Monwanou A. V., Chabi-Orou J. B., Chaos control and synchronization of a new chaotic financial system with integer and fractional order. J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl. (2021); 14(6):372--389
Chicago/Turabian Style
Dousseh, P. Y., Ainamon, C., Miwadinou, C. H., Monwanou, A. V., Chabi-Orou, J. B.. "Chaos control and synchronization of a new chaotic financial system with integer and fractional order." Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, 14, no. 6 (2021): 372--389
- Chaos control
- synchronization
- chaotic financial systems
- fractional order systems
- active control
- feedback controller
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