On the rational difference equation \(y_{{n+1}}={\frac {\alpha_{{0}}y_{{n}}+\alpha_{{1}}y_{{n-p}}+\alpha_{{2}}y_{{n-q}} +\alpha_{{3}}y_{{n-r}}+\alpha_{{4}}y_{{n-s}}}{\beta_{{0}}y_{{n}}+\beta_{{1}}y_{{n-p} }+\beta_{{2}}y_{{n-q}}+\beta_{{3}}y_{{n-r}}+\beta_{{4}}y_{{n-s}}}}\)
Volume 11, Issue 1, pp 80--97
Publication Date: December 24, 2017
Submission Date: October 02, 2017
Revision Date: November 09, 2017
Accteptance Date: November 15, 2017
A. M. Alotaibi
- School of mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia.
M. A. El-Moneam
- Mathematics Department, Faculty of Science, Jazan University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
M. S. M. Noorani
- School of mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia.
In this paper, we examine and explore the boundedness, periodicity, and global stability of the positive solutions of
the rational difference equation
}={\frac {\alpha_{{0}}y_{{n}}+\alpha_{{1}}y_{{n-p}}+\alpha_{{2}}y_{{n-q}} +\alpha_{{3}}y_{{
n-r}}+\alpha_{{4}}y_{{n-s}}}{\beta_{{0}}y_{{n}}+\beta_{{1}}y_{{n-p} }+\beta_{{2}}y_{{n-q}
where the coefficients \({\alpha_{i},\beta_{i}\in (0,\infty ),\
i=0,1,2,3,4},\) and \(p,q,r\), and \(s\) are positive integers. The initial
conditions \(y_{-s},...,y_{-r},..., y_{-q},..., y_{{-p }},...,
y_{-1},y_{0}\) are arbitrary positive real numbers such that \(p<q<r<s\).
Some numerical examples will be given to illustrate our result.
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ISRP Style
A. M. Alotaibi, M. A. El-Moneam, M. S. M. Noorani, On the rational difference equation \(y_{{n+1}}={\frac {\alpha_{{0}}y_{{n}}+\alpha_{{1}}y_{{n-p}}+\alpha_{{2}}y_{{n-q}} +\alpha_{{3}}y_{{n-r}}+\alpha_{{4}}y_{{n-s}}}{\beta_{{0}}y_{{n}}+\beta_{{1}}y_{{n-p} }+\beta_{{2}}y_{{n-q}}+\beta_{{3}}y_{{n-r}}+\beta_{{4}}y_{{n-s}}}}\), Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, 11 (2018), no. 1, 80--97
AMA Style
Alotaibi A. M., El-Moneam M. A., Noorani M. S. M., On the rational difference equation \(y_{{n+1}}={\frac {\alpha_{{0}}y_{{n}}+\alpha_{{1}}y_{{n-p}}+\alpha_{{2}}y_{{n-q}} +\alpha_{{3}}y_{{n-r}}+\alpha_{{4}}y_{{n-s}}}{\beta_{{0}}y_{{n}}+\beta_{{1}}y_{{n-p} }+\beta_{{2}}y_{{n-q}}+\beta_{{3}}y_{{n-r}}+\beta_{{4}}y_{{n-s}}}}\). J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl. (2018); 11(1):80--97
Chicago/Turabian Style
Alotaibi, A. M., El-Moneam, M. A., Noorani, M. S. M.. "On the rational difference equation \(y_{{n+1}}={\frac {\alpha_{{0}}y_{{n}}+\alpha_{{1}}y_{{n-p}}+\alpha_{{2}}y_{{n-q}} +\alpha_{{3}}y_{{n-r}}+\alpha_{{4}}y_{{n-s}}}{\beta_{{0}}y_{{n}}+\beta_{{1}}y_{{n-p} }+\beta_{{2}}y_{{n-q}}+\beta_{{3}}y_{{n-r}}+\beta_{{4}}y_{{n-s}}}}\)." Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, 11, no. 1 (2018): 80--97
- Difference equation
- boundedness
- prime period two solution
- global stability
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