Uniform exponential stability for evolution families on the half-line
Petre Preda
- Department of Mathematics, West University of Timişoara, 4, Blvd. Vasile Parvan, Timişoara, Romania.
Raluca Mureşan
- Department of Mathematics, West University of Timişoara, 4, Blvd. Vasile Parvan, Timişoara, Romania.
In this paper we give a characterization for the uniform exponential stability of evolution families \(\{\Phi(t; t_0)\}_{t\geq t_0}\)
on \(\mathbb{R}_+\) that do not have an exponential growth, using the hypothesis that the pairs of function spaces
\((L^1(X);L^\infty(X))\) and \((L^p(X);L^q(X)), (p; q) \neq (1;\infty)\), are admissible to the evolution families.
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ISRP Style
Petre Preda, Raluca Mureşan, Uniform exponential stability for evolution families on the half-line, Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, 6 (2013), no. 2, 68--73
AMA Style
Preda Petre, Mureşan Raluca, Uniform exponential stability for evolution families on the half-line. J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl. (2013); 6(2):68--73
Chicago/Turabian Style
Preda, Petre, Mureşan, Raluca. "Uniform exponential stability for evolution families on the half-line." Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, 6, no. 2 (2013): 68--73
- Evolution family
- admissibility
- uniform exponential stability.
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