Chaos Synchronization of Two Uncertain Chaotic System Using Genetic Based Fuzzy Adaptive Pid Controller
Yaghoub Heidari
- Department of Electrical, Nour Branch, Islamic Azad University, Nour, Iran
Soheil Salehi Alashti
- Babol Noshirvany University of Technology
Rouhollah Maghsoudi
- Department of Computer, Nour Branch, Islamic Azad University, Nour, Iran
A Genetic based Fuzzy PID controller has been proposed to synchronization task of
chaotic systems in which one system has been considered as "master" whilst the other
system has been treated as "slave" (a perturbed system with uncertainty and
disturbance). Three PID control gains \(k_p , k_i\) , and \(k_d\) , will be updated online. An
adequate adaptation mechanism is used to minimize the sliding surface error with
appropriate adaptive law. Using the gradient method, coefficients of the PID controller
are updated. A supervisory controller has also been used to provide the stability. The
proposed method has been found with a significant performance when it was
implemented on the Van Der Pol oscillator chaotic equations.
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ISRP Style
Yaghoub Heidari, Soheil Salehi Alashti, Rouhollah Maghsoudi, Chaos Synchronization of Two Uncertain Chaotic System Using Genetic Based Fuzzy Adaptive Pid Controller, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 1 (2010), no. 4, 273--286
AMA Style
Heidari Yaghoub, Salehi Alashti Soheil, Maghsoudi Rouhollah, Chaos Synchronization of Two Uncertain Chaotic System Using Genetic Based Fuzzy Adaptive Pid Controller. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2010); 1(4):273--286
Chicago/Turabian Style
Heidari, Yaghoub, Salehi Alashti, Soheil, Maghsoudi, Rouhollah. " Chaos Synchronization of Two Uncertain Chaotic System Using Genetic Based Fuzzy Adaptive Pid Controller." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 1, no. 4 (2010): 273--286
- Fuzzy
- Chaos synchronization
- supervisory controller
- Van der Pol
- Adaptive Control.
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