Algorithms for Hammerstein inclusions in certain Banach spaces

Volume 12, Issue 6, pp 387--404
Publication Date: February 04, 2019 Submission Date: March 10, 2018 Revision Date: November 19, 2018 Accteptance Date: December 01, 2018


Moustapha Sene - Gaston Berger University, Saint Louis, Senegal. Mariama Ndiaye - Gaston Berger University, Saint Louis, Senegal. Ngalla Djitte - Gaston Berger University, Saint Louis, Senegal.


Let \(E\) be a reflexive smooth and strictly convex real Banach space. Let \(F: E\rightarrow 2^{E^*}\) and \(K: E^*\rightarrow E\) be bounded maximal monotone mappings such that \(D(F)=E\) and \(R(F)=D(K)=E^*\). Suppose that the Hammerstein inclusion \(0\in u+KFu \) has a solution in \(E\). We present in this paper a new algorithm for approximating solutions of the inclusion \(0\in u+KFu \). Then we prove strong convergence theorems. Our theorems improve and unify most of the results that have been proved in this direction for this important class of nonlinear mappings. Furthermore, our technique of proof is of independent interest.

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ISRP Style

Moustapha Sene, Mariama Ndiaye, Ngalla Djitte, Algorithms for Hammerstein inclusions in certain Banach spaces, Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, 12 (2019), no. 6, 387--404

AMA Style

Sene Moustapha, Ndiaye Mariama, Djitte Ngalla, Algorithms for Hammerstein inclusions in certain Banach spaces. J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl. (2019); 12(6):387--404

Chicago/Turabian Style

Sene, Moustapha, Ndiaye, Mariama, Djitte, Ngalla. "Algorithms for Hammerstein inclusions in certain Banach spaces." Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, 12, no. 6 (2019): 387--404


