Efficient approximations of finite and infinite real alternating \(p\)-series
Volume 11, Issue 11, pp 1250--1261
Publication Date: September 03, 2018
Submission Date: May 02, 2018
Revision Date: July 30, 2018
Accteptance Date: August 03, 2018
Vito Lampret
- University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, EU.
For \(n\in\mathbb{N}\) and \(p\in\mathbb{R}\) the \(n\)th partial sum of the alternating
\(p\)-series, known also as alternating generalized harmonic number
of order \(p\),
is given in the form
where \(k,q\in\mathbb{N}\) with \(k<\lfloor n/2\rfloor\) are parameters,
controlling the magnitude of the error term \(r^*_q(k,n,p)\). The
function \(S_q(k,n,p)\) consists of \(2(k+1)+q\) simple summands and
\(r^*_q(k,n,p)\) is estimated for \(q>-p+1\), as
\big|r^*_q(k,n,p)\big| <
Additionally, for \(p\in\mathbb{R}^+\) and \(k,q\in\mathbb{N}\), we have
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ISRP Style
Vito Lampret, Efficient approximations of finite and infinite real alternating \(p\)-series, Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, 11 (2018), no. 11, 1250--1261
AMA Style
Lampret Vito, Efficient approximations of finite and infinite real alternating \(p\)-series. J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl. (2018); 11(11):1250--1261
Chicago/Turabian Style
Lampret, Vito. "Efficient approximations of finite and infinite real alternating \(p\)-series." Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, 11, no. 11 (2018): 1250--1261
- Alternating
- alternating generalized harmonic number
- approximation
- estimate
- alternating \(p\)-series
- 11Y60
- 11Y99
- 33F05
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- 40A25
- 41A60
- 65B10
- 65B15
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