Iterative methods for fixed point problems and generalized split feasibility problems in Banach spaces
Volume 11, Issue 2, pp 198--217
Publication Date: January 23, 2018
Submission Date: August 25, 2017
Revision Date: November 23, 2017
Accteptance Date: December 06, 2017
Yanlai Song
- College of Science, Zhongyuan University of Technology, 450007 Zhengzhou, China.
In this paper, we study
the Halpern type iterative algorithm to approximate a common solution of fixed point problems of an infinite family of
demimetric mappings and generalized split feasibility problems with firmly nonexpansive-like mappings in Banach spaces.
We also prove strong convergence theorems for a common solution of the above-said problems by the proposed iterative algorithm and discuss some applications of our
The methods in this paper are novel and different from those given
in many other paper. And the results are the extension and improvement
of the recent results in the literature.
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ISRP Style
Yanlai Song, Iterative methods for fixed point problems and generalized split feasibility problems in Banach spaces, Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, 11 (2018), no. 2, 198--217
AMA Style
Song Yanlai, Iterative methods for fixed point problems and generalized split feasibility problems in Banach spaces. J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl. (2018); 11(2):198--217
Chicago/Turabian Style
Song, Yanlai. "Iterative methods for fixed point problems and generalized split feasibility problems in Banach spaces." Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, 11, no. 2 (2018): 198--217
- Banach space
- generalized split feasibility problem
- fixed point
- metric resolvent
- demimetric mapping
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