Some Oscillatory Properties for a Class of Partial Difference Equations
Huili Ma
- Department of Mathematics, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou Gansu 730070, P. R. China.
Jiaofeng Wang
- Department of Mathematics, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou Gansu 730070, P. R. China.
In this paper we study the oscillatory property of solutions for a class of partial difference equation with
constant coefficients. In order to study the oscillation results, we find the regions of nonexistence of positive
roots of its characteristic equation which is equivalent to the oscillation results. We derive some necessary
and sufficient conditions by means of the envelope theory.
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ISRP Style
Huili Ma, Jiaofeng Wang, Some Oscillatory Properties for a Class of Partial Difference Equations, Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, 9 (2016), no. 6, 3473--3478
AMA Style
Ma Huili, Wang Jiaofeng, Some Oscillatory Properties for a Class of Partial Difference Equations. J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl. (2016); 9(6):3473--3478
Chicago/Turabian Style
Ma, Huili, Wang, Jiaofeng. "Some Oscillatory Properties for a Class of Partial Difference Equations." Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, 9, no. 6 (2016): 3473--3478
- Partial difference equation
- oscillation
- envelope
- characteristic equation.
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