Applications of discriminant analysis on shear turbulence data in wavenumber domain
Yongfang Wang
- School of Informatics, Linyi University, Linyi, Shandong 276005, P. R. China.
Xin Luan
- College of Information Science & Engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, Shandong 266100, P. R. China.
Tongxing Li
- School of Informatics, Linyi University, Linyi, Shandong 276005, P. R. China.
This paper proposed a discriminant analysis method to realize the auto matching of shear spectra and
improve the precision of the shear turbulence data. The discriminant analysis method includes two parts,
firstly, in order to eliminate noise data, cross validation method is used to data preprocessing, and secondly,
maximum likelihood method is used to get discriminant function to realize the auto matching of the spectra.
South China Sea experiment is used to verify the validity of the method.
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ISRP Style
Yongfang Wang, Xin Luan, Tongxing Li, Applications of discriminant analysis on shear turbulence data in wavenumber domain, Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, 8 (2015), no. 1, 40--45
AMA Style
Wang Yongfang, Luan Xin, Li Tongxing, Applications of discriminant analysis on shear turbulence data in wavenumber domain. J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl. (2015); 8(1):40--45
Chicago/Turabian Style
Wang, Yongfang, Luan, Xin, Li, Tongxing. "Applications of discriminant analysis on shear turbulence data in wavenumber domain." Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, 8, no. 1 (2015): 40--45
- Discriminant analysis
- cross validation
- data preprocessing
- maximum likelihood.
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