An algorithm for solving zero-dimensional parametric systems of polynomial homogeneous equations


Ali Ayad - Équipe Algèbre et Combinatoire, EDST, Faculté des sciences--Section 1, Université libanaise, Hadath, Liban. Ali Fares - Équipe Algèbre et Combinatoire, EDST, Faculté des sciences--Section 1, Université libanaise, Hadath, Liban. Youssef Ayyad - Équipe Algèbre et Combinatoire, EDST, Faculté des sciences--Section 1, Université libanaise, Hadath, Liban.


This paper presents a new algorithm for solving zero-dimensional parametric systems of polynomial homogeneous equations. This algorithm is based on the computation of what we call parametric U-resultants. The parameters space, i.e., the set of values of the parameters is decomposed into a finite number of constructible sets. The solutions of the input polynomial system are given uniformly in each constructible set by Polynomial Univariate Representations. The complexity of this algorithm is single exponential in the number n of the unknowns and the number r of the parameters.

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ISRP Style

Ali Ayad, Ali Fares, Youssef Ayyad, An algorithm for solving zero-dimensional parametric systems of polynomial homogeneous equations, Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, 5 (2012), no. 6, 426--438

AMA Style

Ayad Ali, Fares Ali, Ayyad Youssef, An algorithm for solving zero-dimensional parametric systems of polynomial homogeneous equations. J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl. (2012); 5(6):426--438

Chicago/Turabian Style

Ayad, Ali, Fares, Ali, Ayyad, Youssef. "An algorithm for solving zero-dimensional parametric systems of polynomial homogeneous equations." Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, 5, no. 6 (2012): 426--438


