Fixed point theorems for (\(\alpha, \psi\))-Meir-Keeler-Khan mappings
Najeh Redjel
- Laboratory of Informatics and Mathematics, University of Souk-Ahras, P.O. Box 1553, Souk-Ahras 41000, Algeria.
- Department of Mathematics, University of Constantine 1, Constantine 25000, Algeria.
Abdelkader Dehici
- Laboratory of Informatics and Mathematics, University of Souk-Ahras, P.O. Box 1553, Souk-Ahras 41000, Algeria.
- Department of Mathematics, University of Constantine 1, Constantine 25000, Algeria.
Erdal Karapinar
- Department of Mathematics, Atilim University 06836, Incek, Ankara, Turkey.
- Nonlinear Analysis and Applied Mathematics Research Group (NAAM), King Abdulaziz University, 21589, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Inci M. Erhan
- Department of Mathematics, Atilim University 06836, Incek, Ankara, Turkey.
In this paper, we establish fixed point theorems for a (\(\alpha,\psi\) )-Meir-Keeler-Khan self mappings. The main
result of our work is an extension of the theorem of Khan [M. S. Khan, Rend. Inst. Math. Univ. Trieste.
Vol VIII, Fase., 10 (1976), 1-4]. We also give some consequences.
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ISRP Style
Najeh Redjel, Abdelkader Dehici, Erdal Karapinar, Inci M. Erhan, Fixed point theorems for (\(\alpha, \psi\))-Meir-Keeler-Khan mappings, Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, 8 (2015), no. 6, 955--964
AMA Style
Redjel Najeh, Dehici Abdelkader, Karapinar Erdal, Erhan Inci M., Fixed point theorems for (\(\alpha, \psi\))-Meir-Keeler-Khan mappings. J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl. (2015); 8(6):955--964
Chicago/Turabian Style
Redjel, Najeh, Dehici, Abdelkader, Karapinar, Erdal, Erhan, Inci M.. "Fixed point theorems for (\(\alpha, \psi\))-Meir-Keeler-Khan mappings." Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, 8, no. 6 (2015): 955--964
- Complete metric space
- (c)-comparison function
- fixed point
- (\(\alpha
- \psi\))-Meir-Keeler-Khan mapping
- \(\alpha\)-admissible mapping.
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