Fixed point for fuzzy mappings in different generalized types of metric spaces

Volume 25, Issue 1, pp 84--90
Publication Date: May 09, 2021 Submission Date: December 25, 2020 Revision Date: April 02, 2021 Accteptance Date: April 08, 2021


A. Kamal - Department of Mathematics, College of Sciences and Arts, Methnab, Qassim University, P.O. Box 931, Buridah 51931, Al-Methnab, Saudi Arabia. - Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Faculty of Science, Port Said University, Port Said 42521, Egypt. Asmaa M. Abd-Elal - Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Faculty of Science, Port Said University, Port Said 42521, Egypt.


The aim of the paper is to establish some fixed point theorems for fuzzy mappings satisfying an implicit relation in left and right quasi-metric spaces. These theorems generalize the corresponding results in [S. Heilpern, J. Math. Anal. Appl., \(\bf 83\) (1981), 566--569], [V. Popa, Stud. Cercet. Ştiinţ. Ser. Mat. Univ. Bacău, \(\bf 7\) (1997), 127--133].

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ISRP Style

A. Kamal, Asmaa M. Abd-Elal, Fixed point for fuzzy mappings in different generalized types of metric spaces, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 25 (2022), no. 1, 84--90

AMA Style

Kamal A., Abd-Elal Asmaa M., Fixed point for fuzzy mappings in different generalized types of metric spaces. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2022); 25(1):84--90

Chicago/Turabian Style

Kamal, A., Abd-Elal, Asmaa M.. "Fixed point for fuzzy mappings in different generalized types of metric spaces." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 25, no. 1 (2022): 84--90


