Asymptotic behavior of traveling waves for non-quasi-monotone system with delay
Yong-Hui Zhou
- School of Mathematics and Statistics, HeXi University, Zhangye, Gansu 734000, P. R. China.
Wen-Di Li
- School of Mathematics and Statistics, HeXi University, Zhangye, Gansu 734000, P. R. China.
Yan-Ru Che
- School of Mathematics and Statistics, HeXi University, Zhangye, Gansu 734000, P. R. China.
This paper is concerned with a population dynamic model with delay. In this work, by
rewriting the equation and using the Ikehara's theorem, we show the exact asymptotic behavior of the profile as \(\xi\rightarrow\)-\(\infty\) for critical speed.
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ISRP Style
Yong-Hui Zhou, Wen-Di Li, Yan-Ru Che, Asymptotic behavior of traveling waves for non-quasi-monotone system with delay, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 25 (2022), no. 1, 23--28
AMA Style
Zhou Yong-Hui, Li Wen-Di, Che Yan-Ru, Asymptotic behavior of traveling waves for non-quasi-monotone system with delay. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2022); 25(1):23--28
Chicago/Turabian Style
Zhou, Yong-Hui, Li, Wen-Di, Che, Yan-Ru. "Asymptotic behavior of traveling waves for non-quasi-monotone system with delay." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 25, no. 1 (2022): 23--28
- Traveling waves
- Ikehara's theorem
- asymptotic behavior
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