A space-efficient algorithm for computing the minimum cycle mean in a directed graph
Volume 20, Issue 4, pp 349--355
Publication Date: March 06, 2020
Submission Date: August 24, 2019
Revision Date: January 23, 2020
Accteptance Date: February 01, 2020
Paweł Pilarczyk
- Gdańsk University of Technology, ul. , Narutowicza 11/12, 80-233 Gdańsk, Poland.
An algorithm is introduced for computing the minimum cycle mean
in a strongly connected directed graph with \(n\) vertices and \(m\) arcs
that requires \(O (n)\) working space.
This is a considerable improvement for sparse graphs
in comparison to the classical algorithms
that require \(O (n^2)\) working space.
The time complexity of the algorithm is still \(O (n m)\).
An implementation in C++ is made publicly available
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ISRP Style
Paweł Pilarczyk, A space-efficient algorithm for computing the minimum cycle mean in a directed graph, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 20 (2020), no. 4, 349--355
AMA Style
Pilarczyk Paweł, A space-efficient algorithm for computing the minimum cycle mean in a directed graph. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2020); 20(4):349--355
Chicago/Turabian Style
Pilarczyk, Paweł. "A space-efficient algorithm for computing the minimum cycle mean in a directed graph." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 20, no. 4 (2020): 349--355
- Directed graph
- weighted graph
- sparse graph
- algorithm
- minimum cycle mean
- mean cycle weight
- rigorous numerics
- floating-point arithmetic
- rounding
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