On \(BF\)-semigroups and Fuzzy \(BF\)-semigroups
Volume 20, Issue 4, pp 325--333
Publication Date: March 05, 2020
Submission Date: July 16, 2019
Revision Date: February 06, 2020
Accteptance Date: February 10, 2020
Mae Manahon
- Mathematics Department, Negros Oriental State University, Dumaguete City, Philippines.
Jenette Bantug
- Mathematics Department, Silliman University, Dumaguete City, Philippines.
Joemar Endam
- Department of Mathematics, Negros Oriental State University, Dumaguete City, Philippines.
We introduce and establish the notion of \(BF\)-semigroups. We construct quotient \(BF\)-semigroups via \(BF\)-ideals and we investigate homomorphisms of \(BF\)-semigroups and establish the isomorphism theorems for \(BF\)-semigroups. Moreover, we apply the concept of fuzzy sets to \(BF\)-semigroups.
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ISRP Style
Mae Manahon, Jenette Bantug, Joemar Endam, On \(BF\)-semigroups and Fuzzy \(BF\)-semigroups, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 20 (2020), no. 4, 325--333
AMA Style
Manahon Mae, Bantug Jenette, Endam Joemar, On \(BF\)-semigroups and Fuzzy \(BF\)-semigroups. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2020); 20(4):325--333
Chicago/Turabian Style
Manahon, Mae, Bantug, Jenette, Endam, Joemar. "On \(BF\)-semigroups and Fuzzy \(BF\)-semigroups." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 20, no. 4 (2020): 325--333
- \(BF/BF_1/BF_2\)-semigroup
- sub \(BF\)-semigroup
- \(BF\)-ideal
- quotient \(BF\)-semigroup
- fuzzy sub \(BF\)-semigroup
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