A Chaotic Blind Digital Image Watermarking Based on Singular Value Decomposition in Spatial Domain


Niaz Khorrami - Department of Mathematics, Salams Branch, Islamic Azad University, Salmas, Iran. Peyman Ayubi - Department of Computer Engineering, Urmia Branch, Islamic Azad University, Urmia, Iran. Sohrab Behnia - Department of Physics, Urmia University Of Technology, Urmia, Iran. Jila Ayubi - Department of Electrical Engineering, Meraj Inistitue, Salmas, Iran.


In this letter a new watermarking scheme for Gray scale image is proposed based on a family of the chaotic maps and Singular Value Decomposition. Jacobian elliptic map is used to encrypt the watermark logo to improve the security of watermarked image. Quantum map is also used to determine the location of image's block for the watermark embedding. To test the robustness and effectiveness of our proposed method, several attacks are applied to the watermarked image and the best results have been reported. The purpose of this algorithm is to improve the shortcoming of watermarking such as small key space and low security. The experimental results demonstrate that the key space is large enough to resist the attack and the distribution of grey values of the encrypted image has a random-like behavior, which makes it a potential candidate for encryption of multimedia data such as images, audios and even videos.

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ISRP Style

Niaz Khorrami, Peyman Ayubi, Sohrab Behnia, Jila Ayubi, A Chaotic Blind Digital Image Watermarking Based on Singular Value Decomposition in Spatial Domain, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 13 (2014), no. 4, 311-320

AMA Style

Khorrami Niaz, Ayubi Peyman, Behnia Sohrab, Ayubi Jila, A Chaotic Blind Digital Image Watermarking Based on Singular Value Decomposition in Spatial Domain. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2014); 13(4):311-320

Chicago/Turabian Style

Khorrami, Niaz, Ayubi, Peyman, Behnia, Sohrab, Ayubi, Jila. "A Chaotic Blind Digital Image Watermarking Based on Singular Value Decomposition in Spatial Domain." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 13, no. 4 (2014): 311-320


