Singular Values of One Parameter Family \(\lambda\frac{b^2-1}{z}\)
Mohammad Sajid
- College of Engineering, Qassim University, Buraidah, Al-Qassim, Saudi Arabia
The singular values of one parameter family of entire functions \(f_\lambda(z)=\lambda\frac{b^2-1}{z}\) and \(f_\lambda(0)=\lambda\ln b, \quad \lambda\in \mathbb{R}-\{0\}, z\in \mathbb{C}, b>0, b\neq 1\) are investigated. It is shown that all the critical values of \(f_\lambda(z)\) belong
to the right half plane for \(0 < b <1\) and the left half plane for \(b >1\). It is described that the function \(f_\lambda(z)\)
has infinitely many singular values. It is also found that all these singular values are bounded and lie inside
the open disk centered at origin and having radius \(\mid\lambda\ln b\mid\).
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ISRP Style
Mohammad Sajid, Singular Values of One Parameter Family \(\lambda\frac{b^2-1}{z}\) , Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 15 (2015), no. 3, 204-208
AMA Style
Sajid Mohammad, Singular Values of One Parameter Family \(\lambda\frac{b^2-1}{z}\) . J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2015); 15(3):204-208
Chicago/Turabian Style
Sajid, Mohammad. "Singular Values of One Parameter Family \(\lambda\frac{b^2-1}{z}\) ." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 15, no. 3 (2015): 204-208
- Critical values
- Singular values.
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