Software Security Modeling Based on Petri Nets
A. Mohsenzadeh
- Department of Information Technology, Mazandaran University of Science and Technology, Babol, Iran
Nowadays, mostly security solutions are mainly focused on how to defend against various threats, including insider threats and outsider threats, instead of trying to solve security issues from their sources. This paper proposes a security modeling process and an approach to modeling and quantifying component security based on Petri Nets (PN) in the software design phase. Security prediction in the design phase provides the possibility to investigate and compare different solutions to the target system before realization. The analysis results can be used to trace back to the critical part for security enhancing.
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ISRP Style
A. Mohsenzadeh, Software Security Modeling Based on Petri Nets, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 15 (2015), no. 1, 70-77
AMA Style
Mohsenzadeh A., Software Security Modeling Based on Petri Nets. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2015); 15(1):70-77
Chicago/Turabian Style
Mohsenzadeh, A.. "Software Security Modeling Based on Petri Nets." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 15, no. 1 (2015): 70-77
- Software security
- Petri net
- Security models
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