Ccgdc: A New Crossover Operator for Genetic Data Clustering


Gholam Hasan Mohebpour - Department of Computer Science, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran. Arash Ghorbannia Delavar - Department of Computer Science, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.


Genetic algorithm is an evolutionary algorithm and has been used to solve many problems such as data clustering. Most of genetic data clustering algorithms just have introduced new fitness function to improve the accuracy of algorithm in evaluation of generated chromosomes. Crossover operator is the backbone of the genetic algorithm and should create better offspring and increase the fitness of population with maintaining the genetic diversity. A good crossover should result in feasible offspring chromosomes when we crossover feasible parent chromosomes. In this paper we introduce a new crossover operator for genetic data clustering. Experimental results show that clustered crossover for genetic data clustering (CCGDC) creates better offspring and increases the fitness of population and also will not produce illegal chromosome.

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ISRP Style

Gholam Hasan Mohebpour, Arash Ghorbannia Delavar, Ccgdc: A New Crossover Operator for Genetic Data Clustering, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 11 (2014), no. 3, 191-208

AMA Style

Mohebpour Gholam Hasan, Delavar Arash Ghorbannia, Ccgdc: A New Crossover Operator for Genetic Data Clustering. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2014); 11(3):191-208

Chicago/Turabian Style

Mohebpour, Gholam Hasan, Delavar, Arash Ghorbannia. "Ccgdc: A New Crossover Operator for Genetic Data Clustering." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 11, no. 3 (2014): 191-208


