Fuzzy Logic Applications in Chemical Processes
M. R. Sarmasti Emami
- Iran University of Science & Technology
Fuzzy logic a new approach was intended to emulate human reasoning using calculations and operations with fuzzy groups and linguistic variables. Fuzzy variables describe qualitative expressions such as very slow, slow, fast, very fast, and so on. The application of fuzzy logic techniques has been increasing rapidly in the last few years. Fuzzy logic is used in target tracking, pattern recognition, robotics, power systems, controller design, chemical engineering, biomedical engineering, vehicular technology, economy management and decision making, aerospace applications, communications and networking, electronic engineering, and civil engineering. In many chemical engineering systems, the classification of product quality characteristics is performed by human experts, due to the absence of measuring devices. The development of mathematical models for such systems is a rather difficult task, since no equations based on first principles can be written. Chemical engineering has employed fuzzy logic in the detection of chemical agents as well as gas recognition. It has also been applied to processes control, batch distillation column, separation process, and kinetics. In this research, we investigate these applications in more detail.
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M. R. Sarmasti Emami, Fuzzy Logic Applications in Chemical Processes, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 1 (2010), no. 4, 339--348
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Emami M. R. Sarmasti, Fuzzy Logic Applications in Chemical Processes. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2010); 1(4):339--348
Chicago/Turabian Style
Emami, M. R. Sarmasti. "Fuzzy Logic Applications in Chemical Processes." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 1, no. 4 (2010): 339--348
- Chemical
- Process
- Fuzzy Logic
- System
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