Fuzzy Demand Consideration in a Multi-objective Dynamic Cell Formation Problem Using a Robust Scatter Search
Hossein Amoozad-Khalili
- Faculty Member of Islamic Azad University, Nowshahr Branch, Nowshahr, Iran
Mehdi Ranjbar-Bourani
- Department of Industrial Engineering, I.A.U., South Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
S. M. Javad Mirzapour Ale-Hashem
- Department of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran
This paper presents a multi-objective cell formation problem considering alternative process routes and machine utilization with fuzzy demand. Two conflicting objectives include the total cell load variation and sum of the other costs consisting machine cost, inter-cell material handling cost, parts purchasing, operation, maintenance, and reconfiguration of machines cost are to be minimized simultaneously. Moreover, we consider demand in fuzzy condition, because it is more realistic to take into account the inexact and uncertain nature of demand. Due to the complexity of this problem, we develop a scatter search algorithm. Also by using the Taguchi as a robust parameter design method, we tune the effective factors of the developed algorithm on two sizes of benchmark problems that are generated randomly. NSGAII and Scatter Search evaluated and the related results confirm the efficiency and the effectiveness of our proposed Scatter Search provides good output according to some quality measures, especially for large-sized problems.
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ISRP Style
Hossein Amoozad-Khalili, Mehdi Ranjbar-Bourani, S. M. Javad Mirzapour Ale-Hashem, Fuzzy Demand Consideration in a Multi-objective Dynamic Cell Formation Problem Using a Robust Scatter Search, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 1 (2010), no. 4, 321--332
AMA Style
Amoozad-Khalili Hossein, Ranjbar-Bourani Mehdi, Ale-Hashem S. M. Javad Mirzapour, Fuzzy Demand Consideration in a Multi-objective Dynamic Cell Formation Problem Using a Robust Scatter Search. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2010); 1(4):321--332
Chicago/Turabian Style
Amoozad-Khalili, Hossein, Ranjbar-Bourani, Mehdi, Ale-Hashem, S. M. Javad Mirzapour. "Fuzzy Demand Consideration in a Multi-objective Dynamic Cell Formation Problem Using a Robust Scatter Search." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 1, no. 4 (2010): 321--332
- Cell formation problem
- fuzzy demand
- scatter search
- Taguchi design
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