Thermal Control of Building Using Latent Heat Storage South Wall
Mustapha Faraji
- Thermal Group, LPMMAT Laboratory, Physics Department- Faculty of Sciences Ain Chock, PO 5366 Mâarif, Hassan II University, Casablanca- Morocco.
Mustapha E. Alami
- Thermal Group, LPMMAT Laboratory, Physics Department- Faculty of Sciences Ain Chock, PO 5366 Mâarif, Hassan II University, Casablanca- Morocco.
Mostafa Najam
- Thermal Group, LPMMAT Laboratory, Physics Department- Faculty of Sciences Ain Chock, PO 5366 Mâarif, Hassan II University, Casablanca- Morocco.
The aim of the present work is to study the thermal performance of a composite wall used for
heating management of building. The solar energy absorbed by the wall is stored in a phase change
material (PCM). The advantage of using this heating strategy is that PCMs are able to melt and absorb a
high amount of diurnal solar radiations and release it to the room during the night to provide passive
nocturnal heating. A one-dimensional mathematical model was developed in order to analyze and
optimize the proposed latent heat storage wall. Numerical investigations were conducted in order to
examine the effects of the PCM position and the PCM material properties on the thermal behavior of the
proposed wall. It was found that, when the PCM layer is closer to the inner face of the wall, thermal
comfort conditions are considerably improved compared to a concrete wall without PCM. The good PCM
choice is satisfied when the material melts completely before the sunset and re-solidifies completely
before the sunrise. Phase change materials that have a better thermal conductivity lead to a significant
reduction of the building energy consumption.
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ISRP Style
Mustapha Faraji, Mustapha E. Alami, Mostafa Najam, Thermal Control of Building Using Latent Heat Storage South Wall, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 10 (2014), no. 3, 212-227
AMA Style
Faraji Mustapha, Alami Mustapha E., Najam Mostafa, Thermal Control of Building Using Latent Heat Storage South Wall. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2014); 10(3):212-227
Chicago/Turabian Style
Faraji, Mustapha, Alami, Mustapha E., Najam, Mostafa. "Thermal Control of Building Using Latent Heat Storage South Wall." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 10, no. 3 (2014): 212-227
- Building
- Mathematical model
- Latent heat
- Thermal control
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