A New and Quick Method to Detect Dos Attacks by Neural Networks


Mohammad Masoud Javidi - Department of Computer Science, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran. M. Hassan Mohammad Hassan - Department of Computer Science, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran.


Since it is technically impossible to create computer systems (Hardware and Software) without any defect or security failure, intrusion detection in computer systems’ researches is specifically regarded as important.IDS is a protective system that can detect disorders occurring on the network. The procedure goes as intrusion detection can report and control occurred disorders through steps including collecting data, seeking ports, controlling computers, and finally hacking. So, intrusion detection can report control intrusion sabotage that composed of phases collecting data, probing port, gaining computer’s control and finally hacking. In this paper, we consider some different agents, each of which can detect one or two DOS attacks. These agents interact in a way not to interfere each other. Parallelization Technology is used to increase system speed. Since the designed agents act separately and the result of each agent has no impact on the others, you can run each system on discrete CPUs (depending on how many CPUs are used in IDS computers) to speed up the performance.

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ISRP Style

Mohammad Masoud Javidi, M. Hassan Mohammad Hassan, A New and Quick Method to Detect Dos Attacks by Neural Networks, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 6 (2013), no. 2, 85-96

AMA Style

Javidi Mohammad Masoud, Mohammad Hassan M. Hassan, A New and Quick Method to Detect Dos Attacks by Neural Networks. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2013); 6(2):85-96

Chicago/Turabian Style

Javidi, Mohammad Masoud, Mohammad Hassan, M. Hassan. "A New and Quick Method to Detect Dos Attacks by Neural Networks." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 6, no. 2 (2013): 85-96


