Comparison Differential Transform Method with Homotopy Perturbation Method for Nonlinear Integral Equations


Malihe Bagheri - Department of mathematic,Golestan Institute of Higher Education,Gorgan,Iran. Mahnaz Bagheri - Departmen of mathematic, Islamic Azad University, behshahr branch, Iran. Ebrahim Miralikatouli - Department of mathematic,Golestan Institute of Higher Education,Gorgan,Iran.


In this study, an application of differential transform method (DTM) is applied to solve the second kind of nonlinear integral equations such that Volterra and Fredholm integral equations. If the equation considered has a solution in terms of the series expansion of known function, this powerful method catches the exact solution. Comparison is made between the homotopy perturbation and differential transform method. The results reveal that the differential transform method is very effective and simple.

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ISRP Style

Malihe Bagheri, Mahnaz Bagheri, Ebrahim Miralikatouli, Comparison Differential Transform Method with Homotopy Perturbation Method for Nonlinear Integral Equations, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 5 (2012), no. 4, 288 - 296

AMA Style

Bagheri Malihe, Bagheri Mahnaz, Miralikatouli Ebrahim, Comparison Differential Transform Method with Homotopy Perturbation Method for Nonlinear Integral Equations. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2012); 5(4):288 - 296

Chicago/Turabian Style

Bagheri, Malihe, Bagheri, Mahnaz, Miralikatouli, Ebrahim. "Comparison Differential Transform Method with Homotopy Perturbation Method for Nonlinear Integral Equations." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 5, no. 4 (2012): 288 - 296


