Security in Wireless Local Area Network (wlan)


Kareshna Zamani - IT Center, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran. Mehrnoosh Torabi - Department of IT, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran. Hamidreza Moumeni - Department of Artificial Engineering, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.


Regarding increase of wireless network application, and fast development at these systems, security in such systems and networks has become a crucial matter. In this article, first different security methods of local wireless networks, as subsidiaries of wireless networks, are introduced and then the efficiency of so far introduced security methods such as WEP, WPA and WPAv2 are studied as well as their negative and positive aspects. The focus of this text is on IEEE security protocols including 802.1x and 802.11i, their functions and security levels. The privileges and shortcoming at the mentioned protocols would be discussed afterwards.

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ISRP Style

Kareshna Zamani, Mehrnoosh Torabi, Hamidreza Moumeni, Security in Wireless Local Area Network (wlan), Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 5 (2012), no. 4, 320 - 330

AMA Style

Zamani Kareshna, Torabi Mehrnoosh, Moumeni Hamidreza, Security in Wireless Local Area Network (wlan). J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2012); 5(4):320 - 330

Chicago/Turabian Style

Zamani, Kareshna, Torabi, Mehrnoosh, Moumeni, Hamidreza. "Security in Wireless Local Area Network (wlan)." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 5, no. 4 (2012): 320 - 330


