Union and Intersection Fuzzy Subhypergroups
Esmail Ranjbar-Yanehsari
- Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences, Gorgan Branch,Islamic Azad University,Gorgan, Iran.
Mohsen Asghari-Larimi
- Department of Mathematics, GolestanUniversity, Gorgan, Iran.
In this paper, some properties of union and intersection fuzzy subhypergroups are discussed.
Generally, intersection family of fuzzy subhypergroups of a hypergroup is fuzzy subhypergroup,
but, union family of fuzzy subhypergroups of a hypergroup is not fuzzy subhypergroup. We give
some conditions such that this family is fuzzy subhypergroup.
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ISRP Style
Esmail Ranjbar-Yanehsari, Mohsen Asghari-Larimi, Union and Intersection Fuzzy Subhypergroups, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 5 (2012), no. 2, 82-90
AMA Style
Ranjbar-Yanehsari Esmail, Asghari-Larimi Mohsen, Union and Intersection Fuzzy Subhypergroups. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2012); 5(2):82-90
Chicago/Turabian Style
Ranjbar-Yanehsari, Esmail, Asghari-Larimi, Mohsen. "Union and Intersection Fuzzy Subhypergroups." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 5, no. 2 (2012): 82-90
- Hyperstructure
- Fuzzy sets
- Fuzzy subhypergroup.
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