Application of Adomian Decomposition Method to Nonlinear Heat Transfer Equation


H. Heidarzadeh - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Babol University of Technology, P.O. Box 484, Babol, Iran. M. Mashinchi Joubari - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Babol University of Technology, P.O. Box 484, Babol, Iran. R. Asghari - Applied Mathematics Department, Mathematics Science Faculty, Guilan University, Rasht, Iran.


The Adomian Decomposition Method is employed in the solution of the unsteady convective radiative equation. The Adomian Decomposition Method is provided an analytical solution in the form of an infinite power series. The comparison of the results obtained by ADM and VIM The effect of Adomian polynomials terms is considered on accuracy of the results. The temperature profiles in fin are obtained. Results show a good accuracy. The Adomian decomposition method (ADM) is used in obtaining more meaningful and valid solutions.

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ISRP Style

H. Heidarzadeh, M. Mashinchi Joubari, R. Asghari, Application of Adomian Decomposition Method to Nonlinear Heat Transfer Equation, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 4 (2012), no. 3, 436 - 447

AMA Style

Heidarzadeh H., Joubari M. Mashinchi, Asghari R., Application of Adomian Decomposition Method to Nonlinear Heat Transfer Equation. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2012); 4(3):436 - 447

Chicago/Turabian Style

Heidarzadeh, H., Joubari, M. Mashinchi, Asghari, R.. "Application of Adomian Decomposition Method to Nonlinear Heat Transfer Equation." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 4, no. 3 (2012): 436 - 447


