Designing an Optimal Pid Controller for Control the Plans Height, Based on Control of Autopilot by Using Evolutionary Algorithms


Mohammad Fiuzy - Bioelectrical Department, Electrical and Computer Faculty, Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran. Javad Haddadnia - Bioelectrical Department, Electrical and Computer Faculty, Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran. Seyed Kamaleddin Mousavi Mashhadi - Control Department, Electrical and Computer Faculty, Iran University of Science & Technology, Tehran, Iran.


The dangers of poor pilot performance as well as time and place conditions, and such as low altitude and climate, damage critical aircraft control system. Mentioned factors, caused damage in control of sensitive military and research aircraft. So researchers had to find a solution for this problem. Therefore, the use of Unmanned Aircraft Vehicle or (UAV) in sensitive and important Operation is required. Furthermore, designing the controller system is one of the main discussed Dynamic issues in Flying Objects. Here, has been attempted to determine the optimal coefficients of PID1 controller in Autopilot based on Optimization Algorithm such as Evolutionary Algorithms in order to regulate and desired control on height of an Unmanned Aircraft Vehicle (UAV). The proposed Cost Function simultaneously optimized the system performance specifications. Optimization done by using Evolutionary Algorithms such as \(GA^2\), \(PSO^3\) and Social Policy Optimization Algorithm or \(ICA^4\). Finally, the system response based on Evolutionary Algorithms compared with the advantages of Classic method Optimization based on Constraints design, then you can easily decide on the superiority and being optimized of the proposed system.

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ISRP Style

Mohammad Fiuzy, Javad Haddadnia, Seyed Kamaleddin Mousavi Mashhadi, Designing an Optimal Pid Controller for Control the Plans Height, Based on Control of Autopilot by Using Evolutionary Algorithms , Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 6 (2013), no. 4, 260 - 271

AMA Style

Fiuzy Mohammad, Haddadnia Javad, Mashhadi Seyed Kamaleddin Mousavi, Designing an Optimal Pid Controller for Control the Plans Height, Based on Control of Autopilot by Using Evolutionary Algorithms . J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2013); 6(4):260 - 271

Chicago/Turabian Style

Fiuzy, Mohammad, Haddadnia, Javad, Mashhadi, Seyed Kamaleddin Mousavi. "Designing an Optimal Pid Controller for Control the Plans Height, Based on Control of Autopilot by Using Evolutionary Algorithms ." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 6, no. 4 (2013): 260 - 271


