The Study of Guilan University Students in Math Lesson (Amount of Math Skill) in Different Recognition Compasses
Ahmad Hedayat Panah
- Mo’in technical vocational school Rasht, Iran; Education Complex payambare a’azam
Math teachers often make math exam quetions in a practical way and they don't focus on meanings and skills a lot.
While the usage of six recognition compassen can help the measurement of learning levels and skills a lot. so, this research has the aim of studying Guilan University student's skills in math lesson according to Bloom's recognition compasses. Statistical samples were 241 university students (males and females) from different branches of technical major who answered math questions from whatever they had learned before entering the university (high school and arts – and – crafts school).The Exam included 50 multiple choice questions which were designed and classified due to Benjamin Bloom's recognition compasses, the questions were given to university students to be answere in a determined time limit. Results show that:
a) Students had the best performance in science, understanding (perception) and application (somehow in low compasses), but they had the least performance in evaluation and judgement, analysis and combination (somehow in high compasses).
b) Girls had the most performance in understanding (perception) and application compasses but in other compasses, boys had better performance.
c) In none of the recognition compasses, students had a performance of more than 50%, or we can say that in none of recognition compasses, they could answer more than 50% of the qnestions.
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ISRP Style
Ahmad Hedayat Panah, The Study of Guilan University Students in Math Lesson (Amount of Math Skill) in Different Recognition Compasses, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 2 (2011), no. 2, 319--328
AMA Style
Hedayat Panah Ahmad, The Study of Guilan University Students in Math Lesson (Amount of Math Skill) in Different Recognition Compasses. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2011); 2(2):319--328
Chicago/Turabian Style
Hedayat Panah, Ahmad. "The Study of Guilan University Students in Math Lesson (Amount of Math Skill) in Different Recognition Compasses." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 2, no. 2 (2011): 319--328
- recognition compass
- math skill
- Guilan university student
- Bloom
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