A bilateral contact problem with adhesion and damage between two viscoelastic bodies


Ammar Derbazi - Department of Mathematics, Faculty of MI, University Bachir El-Ibrahimi of Bordj Bou Arreridj, Bordj BBA: 34 000, Algeria. Souida Boukrioua - Department of Mathematics, University Kasdi Merbah of Ouargla, Ouargla 30 000, Algeria. Mohamed Dalah - Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Exact Sciences: FSE, University Mentouri of Constantine, Constantine 25 017, Algeria. Adel Aissaoui - Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Exact Sciences, University Hamma Lakhdar, El-Oued, El-Oued 39 000, Algeria. Allaoua Boudjedour - Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Exact Sciences: FSE, University Mentouri of Constantine, Constantine 25 017, Algeria. Amar Megrous - Department of Mathematics, EPSE-CSG of Constantine, Constantine 25 000, Algeria.


This paper deals with the study of a mathematical model which describes the bilateral, frictionless adhesive contact between two viscoelastic bodies with damage. The adhesion of the contact surfaces is con- sidered and is modeled with a surface variable, the bonding field, whose evolution is described by a first order differential equation. We establish a variational formulation for the problem and prove the existence and uniqueness result of the solution. The proofs are based on time-dependent variational equalities, a classical existence and uniqueness result on parabolic equations, differential equations, and fixed-point arguments.

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ISRP Style

Ammar Derbazi, Souida Boukrioua, Mohamed Dalah, Adel Aissaoui, Allaoua Boudjedour, Amar Megrous, A bilateral contact problem with adhesion and damage between two viscoelastic bodies, Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, 9 (2016), no. 3, 1216-1229

AMA Style

Derbazi Ammar, Boukrioua Souida, Dalah Mohamed, Aissaoui Adel, Boudjedour Allaoua, Megrous Amar, A bilateral contact problem with adhesion and damage between two viscoelastic bodies. J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl. (2016); 9(3):1216-1229

Chicago/Turabian Style

Derbazi, Ammar, Boukrioua, Souida, Dalah, Mohamed, Aissaoui, Adel, Boudjedour, Allaoua, Megrous, Amar. "A bilateral contact problem with adhesion and damage between two viscoelastic bodies." Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, 9, no. 3 (2016): 1216-1229


