On convergence of random iterative schemes with errors for strongly pseudo-contractive Lipschitzian maps in real Banach spaces


Nawab Hussain - Department of Mathematics, King Abdulaziz University, P. O. Box 80203, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia. Satish Narwal - Department of Mathematics, S. J. K. College Kalanaur, Rohtak 124113, India. Renu Chugh - Department of Mathematics, M. D. University, Rohtak 124001, India. Vivek Kumar - Department of Mathematics, K. L. P. College, Rewari 123401, India.


In this work, strong convergence and stability results of a three step random iterative scheme with errors for strongly pseudo-contractive Lipschitzian maps are established in real Banach spaces. Analytic proofs are supported by providing numerical examples. Applications of random iterative schemes with errors to find solution of nonlinear random equation are also given. Our results improve and establish random generalization of results obtained by Xu and Xie [Y. Xu, F. Xie, Rostock. Math. Kolloq., 58 (2004), 93-100], Gu and Lu [F. Gu, J. Lu, Math. Commun., 9 (2004), 149-159], Liu et al. [Z. Liu, L. Zhang, S. M. Kang, Int. J. Math. Math. Sci., 31 (2002), 611-617] and many others.

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ISRP Style

Nawab Hussain, Satish Narwal, Renu Chugh, Vivek Kumar, On convergence of random iterative schemes with errors for strongly pseudo-contractive Lipschitzian maps in real Banach spaces, Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, 9 (2016), no. 5, 3157--3168

AMA Style

Hussain Nawab, Narwal Satish, Chugh Renu, Kumar Vivek, On convergence of random iterative schemes with errors for strongly pseudo-contractive Lipschitzian maps in real Banach spaces. J. Nonlinear Sci. Appl. (2016); 9(5):3157--3168

Chicago/Turabian Style

Hussain, Nawab, Narwal, Satish, Chugh, Renu, Kumar, Vivek. "On convergence of random iterative schemes with errors for strongly pseudo-contractive Lipschitzian maps in real Banach spaces." Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, 9, no. 5 (2016): 3157--3168


