A New Method for Modeling System Dynamics by Fuzzy Logic Modeling of Research and Development in the National System of Innovation


Hassan Youssefi - Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Tabriz, P. O. Box 51666-14766, Tabriz, Iran Vahid Saeid Nahaei - Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Tabriz, P. O. Box 51666-14766, Tabriz, Iran Javad Nematian - Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Tabriz, P. O. Box 51666-14766, Tabriz, Iran


System Dynamics (SD) is an effective method for studying dynamic conditions and changes in complex systems. It has been used in domain of social, economic and human activities which deal with vague and inaccurate variables. In this paper, a new dynamic model of real world systems is designed based on the concept of system dynamic approach. Then relations among the variables in the model are defined as fuzzy if-then rules by using fuzzy logic method. For analyzing the model accurately and avoiding the extent of ambiguities, Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) will be designed. For this purpose, cycle of creation and absorption of knowledge in a National Innovation System has been analyzed via SD methodology and FIS results.

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ISRP Style

Hassan Youssefi, Vahid Saeid Nahaei, Javad Nematian, A New Method for Modeling System Dynamics by Fuzzy Logic Modeling of Research and Development in the National System of Innovation, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 2 (2011), no. 1, 88--99

AMA Style

Youssefi Hassan, Nahaei Vahid Saeid, Nematian Javad, A New Method for Modeling System Dynamics by Fuzzy Logic Modeling of Research and Development in the National System of Innovation. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2011); 2(1):88--99

Chicago/Turabian Style

Youssefi, Hassan, Nahaei, Vahid Saeid, Nematian, Javad. "A New Method for Modeling System Dynamics by Fuzzy Logic Modeling of Research and Development in the National System of Innovation." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 2, no. 1 (2011): 88--99


