Reduced Differential Transform Method for Solving Seventh Order Sawadakotera Equations


A. Haghbin - Department of Mathematics, Gorgan branch, Islamic Azad University, Gorgan, Iran. S. Hesam - Department of Mathematics, School of Mathematical Sciences, Shahrood University of Technology, Shahrood, Iran.


In this paper, reduced differential transform method (RDTM) is used to solve two different seventh-order nonlinear partial differential KdV equations. Seventh-order Sawada–Kotera (for short, sSK) and a Lax’s seventh-order KdV (for short, LsKdV) equations are well known and considered for solve. reduced differential transform method can be used as an alternative to obtain analytic and approximate solutions of different types of differential equations applied in engineering mathematics. Ultimately this method is implemented to solve these equations so convenient and effective solutions can be obtained.

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ISRP Style

A. Haghbin, S. Hesam, Reduced Differential Transform Method for Solving Seventh Order Sawadakotera Equations, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 5 (2012), no. 1, 53-59

AMA Style

Haghbin A., Hesam S., Reduced Differential Transform Method for Solving Seventh Order Sawadakotera Equations. J Math Comput SCI-JM. (2012); 5(1):53-59

Chicago/Turabian Style

Haghbin, A., Hesam, S.. "Reduced Differential Transform Method for Solving Seventh Order Sawadakotera Equations." Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 5, no. 1 (2012): 53-59


